The Honorable Babalawo Chief Fakayode Faniyi, Agbongbon Awo of Osogboland, Osun State, is an esteemed babalawo, chief, and leader of the Ifa and orisa community. He is fourth among the Arawefa under the present Araba Ifayemi Elebuibon of Osun State, Osogboland, Nigeria. He is the son of the late Chief Faniyi Fagbenro, who also was Agbongbon Awo of Osogobo and was known for his skill as a powerful and competent babalawo and diviner. Not unlike his father, Babalawo Chief Fakayode Faniyi divines for the Araba of Osogobo and the Araba of Ile Ife. His mother, chief Adunni Faniyi, is an Osun priestess from the Oduleke clan Oke Baale, Osogbo, Osun State.
Baba Fakayode Faniyi travels the world and lectures on both the traditional historical and cultural practices and beliefs in Ifa and Orisa worship from his center, Agesin Jawe Ifa Herbal and Spiritual Healing Home and Center for the Arts and Osarosun Temple, in Oke Ijetu, Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria. This center is his base, where he trains and initiates devotees to Ifa and Orisa, as well as many other avenues of instruction in this ancient way of life. He has initiated countless students in Nigeria, in and from the United States and many other parts of the world.
He gives instruction and mentoring to many in the African Diaspora who have become devotees and/or have travelled to Nigeria from the African Diaspora, to receive their “destiny” and new walk in life from IFA and ORISA through the guidance of Baba Awo Fakayode Faniyi, Chiefs and Priests/Priestesses of his center. Following his ancestral lineage, as a direct descendent of the Prophet Orunmila, Baba Fakayode Faniyi maintains the traditional voices, traditional oriki, traditional philosophies, traditional medicines, and esoteric knowledge of Ifa and orisa, as it relates to its past, present, and future. He is the public relations representative for Orisa World Congress, a position that allows collaboration with other IFA traditional practitioners and scholars around the world to honor Ifa and orisa culture and traditions.
He also hosts international visitors in his home and learning center in Nigeria. To set up a trip to Nigeria to study or tour at Baba Fakayode's compound send and inquiry here.