Iya Ifasunle Efuntola also known as Robin St. Clair is an Obatala priestess as well as a priestess of Ifa. She was initiated in Osogbo, Oshun State, Nigeria in the Osarosun Temple also by members of Idinleke Temple of Osogbo, under the direction of Baba Fakayode Faniyi, Agbongbon Awo of Osogbo. She is the student of Baba Faseye Sangobukunmi with whom she studies Ifa and traditional Yoruba spirituality.
For more than a decade, Robin has been empowering and stretching her clients with strategies and action plans that support them in birthing “pregnant possibilities.” As The CycleBreaker, Robin strategizes a powerful combination of effective communication, intuitive guidance and focused intent to support her clients in becoming self-aware, self-
loving and Self-Full.
Robin’s unique style of coaching and deliberate approach, inspires people to break through cycles of dysfunction and adversity, as she bridges gaps to get them unstuck and pumps life into their aborted and/or incubated dreams.
She has trained with many Master Teachers and Transformation Leaders, including Reverend Dr. Iyanla Vanzant, Founder of the Inner Visions Institute for Spiritual Development.
Robin offers workshops, seminars and two support groups: Sisters Inspiring Sisters To Achieve (SISTA) and The Empowered Parent. Her 9- month training and empowerment program, ReBirth YourselfTM supports participants in identifying blockages and taking the necessary steps to awaken their dreams, breathe life and energy into their visions and birth their heart’s desire. She inspires people to step fully and passionately into their greatness with pride, power and purpose.
Robin is also a Reiki Master/Teacher and conducts family/relationship mediation sessions.
Robin's compassionate and energy-shifting spirit, cultivates relationships
that are built on the foundation of integrity, trust, enthusiasm and interdependence.
“My desire is to initiate a movement that will awaken men and women across the globe and guide conscious leaders to acknowledge their soul’s mission and activate their life’s vision.”

Contact Info:
Email: robin@robinstclair.com
Website: www.robinstclair.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/mybodyscallin
IG: RobintheCycleBreaker